


26 September, 2018|Categories: Events|

Today is our second day at Biospain, the largest event organized by a national association of bioindustries, in this case, ASEBIO (Spanish Association of Bioindustry). On this occasion, the biannual fair takes place in Seville, city of our headquarters. So we would like to invite you to come and see us at stand 71, where we will be during the whole event.

Celiac disease Symposium

17 September, 2018|Categories: Events|

Last week we were sponsoring the international Tampere Celiac Disease Symposium (Finland), presided by Dr. Markku Mäki. The symposium focused on non-invasive biomarkers for Celiac Disease and brought together internationally recognized experts. We attached here some photos of our stand, in which we especially wanted to emphasize the advantages of using GIP for the monitoring of the gluten-free diet, which had been used in several of the studies that were presented at [...]